Civil Disobedience Planned

A group in Springfield that has had success blocking plans by billion-dollar banks that wanted to evict poor people from their homes is planning non-violent civil disobedience in the city on April 7. The action will be at 8:30 a.m. at 48 Donbray Road, outside the home of Julie Proulx, Chris Turner, and their two-year old daughter Natalie, all of whom are facing eviction. More information is at the group's web site:

The same group has had several victories. An article, with a photo, about one of these victories is at:

The same group organized a march and rally in 2011 in Springfield that was attended by hundreds of people. At that rally, 15 people were arrested for non-violent civil disobedience at Bank of America. Photos are at:

In other Springfield news, a nurses' union is organizing a rally on April 8 at 11 a.m. outside the office of congressman Richard Neal at 300 State Street. The nurses want Neal to co-sponsor a Robin Hood Tax proposal in congress that would raises taxes on millionaires and use the money to help poor people. More information is available from Diane Scherrer. She works for She can be reached via that web site. The nurses are planning to obey the law.


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