Two Marches on May 1

On May 1, there will be marches for immigrant rights and for raising taxes on the rich to help the poor. The marches will be in Amherst, Massachusetts and Montpelier, Vermont. People will be carpooling to the Montpelier event from Brattleboro. To join the carpool, e-mail or call the phone number at the rally organizers' web site:

The Amherst event is being promoted by the western Massachusetts chapter of the group Jobs With Justice: At the event's Facebook page, more than 250 people had RSVP'd by the morning of April 30:

The Amherst march starts at 2 p.m. at the Frost Library at Amherst College and goes to UMass. The Montpelier march starts at 11:30 a.m. at city hall and ends at the statehouse. The Vermont march is an annual event that has been attended by more than 1,000 people on a single weekday in recent years.


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